Thursday 31 July 2014

The advertising world..its a great world..

Have you ever seen an advert and you were like ''i will definitely have that product''..yes welcome to the world of  advertisement! This is where the art of playing with your senses is perfected by the money makers.

According to mashable dot com advertisement is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to purchase their products.

I have always been fascinated by the Coca Cola adverts since i was young. I used to be awed by them because of the coca cola drink, it wasn't an everyday affair taking soda those days. I remember my Mom buying the 'soda madiaba' on Sundays & diving into portions to like 5 of my friends and i. That was besides the story. Moving on swiftly i now view the adverts for Coca Cola in a new way, seeing am older now..the way they involve, captivate & engage the viewer is too addictive.

Consider the below adverts;

It is said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results  is insanity but in advert that statement doesn't apply. The more adverts you have running the better for your company or business. The repetition sticks to peoples minds and influence their decisions. That's where global companies like Coca Cola keep themselves embedded in every function, sponsorship & community activities.

Influenced by the brand's rich and iconic heritage over the decades, as well as bringing to life its enduring appeal and celebrating 125 years

 It is also believed that in order for advertising to be effective, it should appeal to three innate emotions: love, fear and rage. A common method in adverts is use of commands like the below;

 BMW advert ''Don't Drink and Drive''

A Cadbury Chocolate  advert with that command aspect -- ''Go give her a real XOX. ''

Advertising can either be in motion picture or still print and can be done through television, newspapers, magazines, internet, merchandise & billboards.
The use of colour, emotions, typeface, personality, humor and day to day activities to relay the intended message.Visual content and design in advertising have a very great impact on the consumer, but it is language that helps people to identify a product and remember it.Language is persuasive and convincing and has a target market audience. 

The language of advertising is, of course, normally very positive and emphasizes why one product stands out in comparison with another.

Advertising language is Rich
Describes how and why particular media are selected to deliver a message. In richness is operationalized in terms of a medium’s ability to accomplish four goals: sending multiple cues, supporting language variety, providing immediate feedback, and allowing personal nature to be communicated.

·   Advertising language is rich in the sense that it carries every vital information to capture & appeal to their target market.
·   The target market is categorized by age, economic power and culture.
·   The language is directly used in reference to the product being advertised. It contains all the details necessary to bring attention to the product.
·   The use of slogans aid to get the point home & thereby attracts attention. For example the use of the below catchy slogans.

Special offer!
Look no further
Finger-licking good

                                                                Zero Calories 

Advertising language is edited
Editing can be described as elimination of parts not suitable for the targeted audience and proper sequencing to achieve a smooth and unbroken flow.
·         The language used is cautious so as not to offend the diverse nature of the target market.
·         In essence it respects all aspects of the society.
·         It also acknowledges the sensitivity of the market.
·         It is edited to target a particular group of persons for example

Advertising language is arresting
Arresting in that it attracts or capable of attracting attention or interest.
·         The language used seeks to capture the attention of the audience
·         It’s able to convince and persuade the audience to purchase the product by arousing their desire
·         Most adverts feature famous personalities and models, so as to capture the eye of the audience since one gets interest.

Beyonce in a Pepsi Advert

Models advertising Coke products.

Use of Musician Taylor Swift in coke advert

Advertising language is involving
      Cuts across every aspect of the community. It validates to interact with the audience to enhance participation.
      It provokes thoughts, ideas and reactions.
      The language used possess rhetorical questions in that a question is asked and the viewer or listener is supposed to answer in such a way as to affirm the product's goodness
      It ignites curiosity that makes one want to find more or detailed information about the product.

A Michael Jackson Pepsi can 2013 was launched today for the “Bad” 25th Anniversary. PepsiCo says its Michael Jackson 2013 limited edition Pepsi soda can will be part of a marketing push globally for the beverage manufacturer.
       Source -

     The body paint campaign forms part of the overall Pepsi Max marketing strategy,which includes the latest Pepsi Max TV commercial. This new TV advert filmed in Africa will show the footballers covered in body paint aiming to reveal “their true colors” and showcases the Max players’ talents.

     Source -

Involvement of companies in sports, road awareness & music attracts a wider recognition.

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