Tuesday 29 July 2014

We are going paperless!

There are many reasons why a company may decide to go paperless – to make documents easier to find and share, to free up valuable space in your office or to save a few trees. Whatever your reasons, there are many benefits to going paperless.

Zach  LeBar of tutsplus. dot com writes  "We're going paperless!" seems to be the statement of our time. Banks and phone companies remind us of that, while adding an extra fee for paper statements at the same time. Businesses post internal memos about going paperless, and you've likely decided to do so yourself when looking at the prices of file cabinets for your home office.

How true is this paperless thing?

I bet you have seen how of late the local banks, Kenya power, your college, your gas station are slowly turning you to a paperless customer. I must admit its just recently my local bank sent me a text informing me of their plans to ditch the monthly postal mail statement. For sure, i sometimes stay several months without collecting those mails and i bet its time they stopped wasting trees. 

Did you know that 30 million trees as the common estimate for the number of trees cut down annually for the production of books sold in the U.S. alone, that's according to ecolibris dot net.

Maybe it time we conserved our trees by going paperless. Me thinks its long overdue too.

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